Our Mission & Vision


At “Me Dhe Për Sportin”, our mission transcends the mere organization of tournaments; it encompasses a holistic vision for the transformation of Kosovo’s educational landscape. Through the establishment of official yearly tournaments, we aspire to cultivate a culture where schools eagerly anticipate and actively participate in sporting events as integral components of their academic calendar.

Central to our mission is the creation of vibrant sports clubs within elementary and secondary schools, offering students a dedicated space for athletic engagement beyond the confines of traditional classroom settings. By nurturing a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition, these clubs serve as catalysts for personal growth and community cohesion, instilling in students a lifelong passion for sports and physical well-being.

Embracing the competitive ethos of tournaments, we inspire schools to unleash their creativity in devising innovative strategies to engage students of all interests and abilities in sports. From dynamic coaching programs to inclusive recruitment initiatives, we empower educational institutions to foster a culture of inclusivity and excellence, where every student has the opportunity to thrive and excel.

Beyond the thrill of competition, participation in our tournaments offers schools a unique opportunity to forge lasting bonds and connections across Kosovo’s diverse communities. Through inter-school exchanges and travel opportunities, students not only expand their horizons but also cultivate empathy, understanding, and respect for their peers from different backgrounds and regions. These experiences not only enrich students’ educational journeys but also equip them with invaluable life skills and perspectives essential for success in an increasingly interconnected world.

Furthermore, our mission extends beyond the boundaries of sportsmanship, aiming to imbue students with a sense of institutional pride and identity. Through the development of school mascots and emblems, we seek to instill a deep sense of belonging and loyalty to their respective educational institutions. By fostering a culture where students take pride in representing their schools on the field of play, we nurture a strong sense of community and solidarity, laying the foundation for a cohesive and resilient society.


As a fledgling nation, the trajectory of Kosovo’s development hinges upon the cultivation of a vibrant, resilient society characterized by vitality, ambition, and a steadfast commitment to progress. Rather than succumb to the burdens of despondency and ill health, we envision a populace empowered by the transformative power of sports, poised to embrace life’s challenges with unwavering determination and fortitude.

At “Me Dhe Për Sportin”, we recognize sports as a catalyst for positive societal transformation, offering a pathway to elevate individuals and communities alike. By fostering a culture where self-esteem is nurtured, teamwork is celebrated, and leadership is cultivated, we lay the groundwork for a generation of citizens equipped with the skills and mindset necessary to propel our nation forward.

Central to our vision is the aspiration to forge a society renowned for its unwavering devotion to family, community, and country. Through the universal language of sports, we seek to foster bonds of camaraderie and solidarity that transcend divisions of geography, ethnicity, and background, uniting us in a shared pursuit of excellence and national pride.

Looking ahead, our vision extends beyond the confines of sporting arenas to permeate every facet of daily life, as sports seamlessly integrate into the fabric of our collective identity. We envision a Kosovo where sports are not merely an activity but a way of life—a source of joy, inspiration, and unity that binds us together as a nation and propels us towards a brighter, more prosperous future.

Moreover, our vision encompasses a society where the values fostered through sports extend beyond the field of play to permeate every aspect of civic life. By instilling principles of fairness, resilience, and perseverance, we aim to cultivate a culture of integrity and accountability that underpins our institutions and governance structures. Through the lens of sportsmanship, we aspire to shape a nation where ethical leadership, civic engagement, and social responsibility serve as guiding principles, driving us towards a future defined by prosperity, harmony, and collective well-being.